How Much Do Doctors Make in USA?

how much do doctors make

How to pay doctors is a critical issue for healthcare organizations, governments, and society in general. The methods used to pay physicians can have a significant impact on their attitudes and behaviors towards their patients.

One way to explore the effect of salaries on doctors is through a systematic review of various studies on the matter. This article is based on one such review, which aimed to determine the influence of salaried payments on doctor behavior.

Why Doctor Salaries are a Point of Discussion

Salaries are a point of discussion for doctors and medical facilities due to several reasons. Firstly, doctors’ salaries are typically one of the most significant expenses for healthcare organizations, and they can significantly affect their profits. Secondly, salaries can influence the type of medical practice or field doctors choose to pursue.

For example, some medical fields such as oncology or cardiology may pay more than others, like family medicine or pediatrics. Thirdly, salaries can impact the motivation levels of medical professionals, and it can affect the quality of care their patients receive.

Finally, salaries can disproportionately affect marginalized communities, where residents may have less access to medical care due to a lack of physicians.

Factors that Affect Doctors’ Salaries

Several key factors influence the determination of physicians’ compensation. Firstly, physicians’ training levels, experience, and area of specialization can significantly impact their salaries. For example, physicians with specialized training in fields such as oncology or cardiology may earn more than those in other areas.

Secondly, the region in which physicians practice can impact their salaries. Physicians may earn more money in areas with a higher demand for medical professionals.

A third factor impacting physician compensation is their employment type. Those who work in a private practice may earn more money than those employed by hospitals or other medical facilities. Fourthly, the payment method used by medical facilities can influence physicians’ motivation levels and, in turn, impact their compensation. For instance, some facilities use salaried payments while others may offer incentives or fee-for-service payments.

In conclusion, the methods used to pay medical professionals can significantly affect their attitudes and behaviors towards patients. Exploring the impact of various salary payment methods is crucial to ensure that physicians are motivated to provide quality care.

Factors such as area of specialization, employment types, and regions of practice can also impact the compensation that physicians receive. Exploring these factors can help healthcare organizations and governments devise appropriate salary structures to attract and retain medical professionals and improve access to medical care for everyone.

Breakdown of Doctor Salaries

Physicians are among the highest earners in the United States, with average annual earnings of $350,000. However, the latest research shows that physicians’ personal earnings account for only 8.6% of national healthcare spending.

In 2022, the average physician pay fell by 2%, with highly-paid specialists facing the same pressures as the broader workforce due to inflation.

Top 1% and Top 10% Earning Doctors

The highest-paying medical specialties in 2022 are neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, and orthopedic surgery, with average annual salaries of $788,313, $706,775, and $624,043, respectively.

The top 1% of earning doctors in the United States have an average annual salary above $700,000, with neurosurgeons earning the most. The top 10% of earners include anesthesiologists, invasive cardiologists, and orthopedic surgeons, who earn an average of $539,000, $648,000, and $540,000, respectively.

Specialty Earnings from 2005-2017

Pediatric and primary care doctors are among the specialists with the lowest annual compensation. Pediatric endocrinologists had the lowest average annual compensation of $218,266, followed by pediatric infectious disease, pediatric rheumatology, pediatric hematology and oncology, and pediatric nephrology. Family medicine doctors had average pay of $273,040, and internal medicine specialists brought in $293,894 in 2022.

In contrast, highly paid specialists, including neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons, have seen their salaries increase over the years. According to research by Stanford health economist and colleagues, using unique data on physician income, the earnings of the top 1% have increased by 33% from 2005 to 2017, while the earnings of the bottom 90% have increased by only 17%.

In conclusion, physicians’ salaries account for a small portion of national healthcare spending, and highly paid specialists are facing the same economic and compensation pressures as the broader workforce. While some specialties have seen increases in annual compensation, others continue to struggle with low pay. The breakdown of doctor salaries and earnings highlights the ongoing challenges facing the healthcare industry and the need for continued efforts to address these issues.

Neurosurgeons’ Earnings

Neurosurgeons are among the highest-paid doctors in the United States, earning an average of $786,000 per year in hospital settings. In academics, their annual income drops to around $647,000. The salary scale for neurosurgeons varies significantly based on their experience, location, and specialization.

Earnings of Neurosurgeons in their Peak Earning Years

During their residency, neurosurgeons earn an average base salary of $67,400 per year, with first-year students making $61,000 annually and residents in their sixth-to-eighth year earning $74,000. Once they graduate and begin practicing medicine, neurosurgeons see a significant jump in their earnings, even in their entry-level years. In Florida, for example, the average salary for a neurosurgeon is $636,401, with the range falling between $479,101 and $805,301.

Why Neurosurgeons Earn the Most

Neurosurgery is a highly specialized field that requires extensive education and training. Neurosurgeons perform complex procedures, such as brain and spinal cord surgeries, that can be life-threatening if not done correctly. In addition to the risks involved, neurosurgery requires a substantial investment in equipment and technology, which further drives up the cost of procedures.

Furthermore, the demand for neurosurgeons often exceeds the supply, increasing their earning potential. Brain and nervous system disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and spinal cord injury are prevalent in the United States, with an estimated 10 million people suffering from Parkinson’s disease alone. This high demand, coupled with a limited supply of highly trained neurosurgeons, drives up their salaries substantially.

In conclusion, neurosurgeons are among the highest earners in the United States due to the high level of education and training required, the complexity and risks involved in their procedures, the substantial investment in equipment and technology, and the high demand for their services. Despite their high earnings, neurosurgeons continue to face compensation pressures similar to other healthcare professionals, and the field remains highly competitive and challenging.

Orthopedic Surgeons’ Earnings

Orthopedic surgery is considered one of the most lucrative medical specialties, with nineteen percent of surgeons in this field having a net worth of over $5 million, the highest of any specialty. According to recent data, the average annual compensation for orthopedic surgeons has varied over the past five years. In 2019-20, the average pay was $626,000, while in 2018-19, it was $536,000. The average pay for the years 2017-18, 2016-17, and 2015-16 was $533,000, $579,000, and $521,000, respectively.

Despite the challenges faced by the healthcare industry and the broader workforce due to economic pressures and inflation, Orthopedic Surgeons remain one of the highest earners in the United States. This blog section will explore the earnings of orthopedic surgeons and the reasons behind their success in this field.

Earnings of Orthopedic Surgeons in their Peak Earning Years

ZipRecruiter reports that the majority of Orthopedic Surgeon salaries currently range between $323,800 (25th percentile) to $350,800 (75th percentile) in Pennsylvania, with top earners (90th percentile) making $400,960 annually. The average pay range for Orthopedic Surgeons has varied little over recent years, approximately $27,000, indicating that there are not many opportunities for increased pay or advancement even with several years of experience.

Orthopedic surgeons generate an average of $3.29 million annually for hospitals, which is the fourth-highest revenue of any specialty, according to Merritt Hawkins. Despite the high revenue generated, orthopedic surgery has dropped from being the highest-paid specialty in the previous years, with plastic surgeons now topping the list of specialties with an average pay of $526,000, followed closely by orthopedic surgeons.

Why Orthopedic Surgeons are Among the Top Earners

Orthopedic Surgeons’ success in earning can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, orthopedic surgery is a highly specialized field with a limited number of trained professionals, making the demand for their services high. Additionally, the number of orthopedic surgery procedures is increasing due to the growing elderly population, increasing rates of obesity, and heightened exercise culture.

Secondly, orthopedic surgeries can significantly improve a patient’s mobility and quality of life, meaning that patients and their families are often willing to pay higher fees for specialized care. Moreover, the complex nature of orthopedic surgery procedures means that patients usually require longer hospital stays, extensive therapy, and aftercare, increasing costs for the hospitals treating them and, in turn, the reimbursement for the hospital.

In conclusion, Orthopedic Surgeons remain one of the highest earners in the United States due to various factors such as a limited number of trained professionals, increasing demand for orthopedic surgery procedures, the higher fees that patients are willing to pay, and the complex and costly nature of these procedures. Despite the consistent revenue generated, Orthopedic Surgeons should still brace themselves for the economic pressures and inflation affecting the healthcare industry and the broader workforce.

Radiation Oncologists’ Earnings

Radiation Oncologists are medical professionals who treat cancer through the use of radiation therapy. They are among the highest earners in the medical profession, with an average annual salary of $368,931, according to recent data. The radiation oncologist salary in New York is reported to be $177.37 per hour, with the majority of earnings ranging between $210.38 and $437,613 annually.

Earnings of Radiation Oncologists in their Peak Earning Years

The average Radiation Oncologist salary in Arizona is $442,780, with the salary range typically falling between $381,540 and $508,390 annually. According to ZipRecruiter, the majority of Radiation Oncologist salaries in New York currently range between $210.38 (25th percentile) to $433.79 (75th percentile), with top earners making up to $437,613. The average pay range for Radiation Oncologists in New York varies little, indicating that there are not many opportunities for increased pay or advancement even with several years of experience.

Despite this, radiation oncologists still earn high salaries in their peak earning years, with salaries ranging from $364,860 to $400,962 annually, according to recent data. These salaries may vary depending on years of experience, location, and education level.

Why Radiation Oncologists Earn Large Salaries

The high salaries earned by Radiation Oncologists are due to several factors. Firstly, the limited number of trained professionals in this field increases the demand for their services, creating a higher cost for specialized care. Additionally, radiation therapy is a highly specialized and technical field that requires a high level of expertise, resulting in higher salaries.

Secondly, radiation therapy is an expensive procedure that requires extensive equipment and highly trained professionals’ expertise, increasing costs for hospitals providing this service. The complex nature of radiation therapy means that patients usually require longer hospital stays, extensive therapy, and aftercare, further increasing costs.

In conclusion, radiation oncologists’ high salaries can be attributed to the limited number of trained professionals available, the high cost of specialized care, the technical expertise required, and the complex nature of radiation therapy. These factors contribute to the high demand for radiation oncology services in the healthcare industry. Despite the consistent revenue generated, radiation oncologists should still brace themselves for the economic pressures and inflation affecting the healthcare industry and the broader workforce.

General and Family Practitioners’ Earnings

General and Family Practitioners constitute a significant portion of the healthcare workforce, providing primary care services to patients across all age groups. According to the latest statistics, the median annual salary of a General and Family Practitioner is $229,616, with variations depending on factors such as location, years of experience, and practice setting. This blog section will delve into the earnings of these physicians and the reasons for the difference in pay between General and Family Practitioners and Medical Specialists.

Average Salaries of General and Family Practitioners

According to a 2022 report from Medscape, the median annual base salary for General and Family Practitioners is $229,616. The report also suggests that the average annual incentive bonus earned by these physicians is $38,128. When comparing these numbers to the salaries of medical specialists, there is a substantial difference. For instance, Cardiologists, the highest-paid specialty according to the Medscape report, have a median salary of $459,000. Thus it’s clear that General and Family Practitioners earn much less than their specialized counterparts.

The salary of a General or Family Practitioner can vary by location, with physicians in some states earning more than others. For instance, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual salary for these doctors in Colorado is $277,500, while in Mississippi, the average annual salary is $192,810.

Why Earnings of These Doctors are Lower Compared to Specialists

One reason for the lower earnings could be the difference in the training and expertise required for General and Family Practitioners compared to Medical Specialists. For example, a Medical Specialist would have completed additional years of residency and a fellowship in their specific area of expertise. Simultaneously, General and Family Practitioners have a broader scope of practice, providing care in various specialties.

Another reason could be the difference in compensation models. Medical Specialists are often paid higher salaries because they generate more revenue for their hospitals or practices. Medical Specialists usually perform more complex procedures and diagnostic tests, which means more billable services and increased revenue streams. Meanwhile, General and Family Practitioners provide primary care services such as immunizations, check-ups, and preventive health screenings, which are not as profitable as specialized services.

In conclusion, General and Family Practitioners are essential members of the healthcare workforce. However, their salaries are generally lower than those of Medical Specialists. This discrepancy can be due to the difference in required training and expertise, the compensation model, and the types of services offered. Despite the lower pay, these doctors play a vital role in providing primary care services to patients and promoting overall health and well-being in their communities.

Preventive Medicine Doctors’ Earnings

Preventive Medicine Doctors are healthcare professionals who specialize in promoting health, preventing illnesses, and managing chronic diseases. Their work is critical in improving the overall health status of individuals and communities. In terms of earnings, the average annual salary of a Preventive Medicine Doctor in California is $183,300, according to data from 33 salaries. This blog section will explore the average salaries of Preventive Medicine Doctors and their roles in promoting health and preventing diseases.

Average Salaries of Preventive Medicine Doctors

Preventive Medicine Doctors earn an average annual salary of $183,300 in California. This information is based on 33 salaries, and it may vary depending on the doctor’s years of experience, location of practice, and type of employer. Entry-level positions start at $175,013 per year, while highly experienced doctors can earn up to $261,000 per year.

When compared to other medical specialties, the average salary of Preventive Medicine Doctors may seem lower. However, it’s important to note that these doctors’ work involves different roles and responsibilities. Preventive Medicine Doctors work towards promoting health and preventing illnesses and chronic diseases, whereas other medical specialists may focus on treating illnesses and diseases that have already developed.

Important Roles of Preventive Medicine Doctors

Preventive Medicine Doctors are vital in promoting health and preventing diseases in individuals and communities. They work towards minimizing risk factors, detecting and preventing diseases early, and ensuring that individuals and communities have access to necessary health services. Some of their roles include:

– Developing and implementing health programs: Preventive Medicine Doctors design and implement health programs aimed at reducing the incidence of diseases and promoting healthy lifestyles.

– Conducting health assessments: They conduct health assessments to identify risks that might predispose individuals to illnesses.

– Immunizations: Preventive Medicine Doctors provide immunizations to individuals to prevent the occurrence of communicable and infectious diseases.

– Screening: They conduct screenings for diseases such as cancer, hypertension, and diabetes. Early detection of these diseases increases the chances of successful treatment.

– Education and counseling: Preventive Medicine Doctors educate individuals and communities about healthy habits and preventive measures to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

In conclusion, Preventive Medicine Doctors play a vital role in promoting health and preventing illnesses. The average salary of these doctors in California is $183,300 and may vary depending on various factors. However, it’s important to note that their work involves different roles and responsibilities compared to other medical specialists. Preventive Medicine Doctors work towards promoting health and preventing diseases, and their contributions to the healthcare industry are critical in improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

Comparison of Doctor Salaries

Insightful Comparison of Doctor Salaries

Physicians and surgeons are among the highest-paid professionals in the United States, but their salaries can vary significantly based on location and specialty. General and Family Practitioners, for instance, earn substantially less than Medical Specialists. A report from Medscape finds that the median income for General and Family Practitioners is $229,616, while the highest-paid Medical Specialists earn over $500,000 on average. This is due to several factors, including required training and expertise, compensation models, and the types of services offered.

Medical Specialists have several years of residency and fellowship training in a particular area of expertise, entailing a more significant investment of time and education. They also offer more specialized services that generate higher revenue streams for their practices. General and Family Practitioners, on the other hand, provide primary care services such as check-ups, preventive health screenings, and immunizations, which are less profitable than specialized procedures and tests.

The location of the practice is another significant determinant of salary variation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, physicians in Colorado earn an average annual salary of $277,500, while those in Mississippi earn an average of $192,810 per year.

Top 10 Earning Occupations

Here is a list of the ten highest-paid physician specialties based on recent estimates from Medscape:

  • Non-pediatric Orthopedics – $554,520
  • Invasive Cardiology – $543,000
  • Gastroenterology – $536,000
  • Urology – $502,000
  • Hematology/Oncology – $485,000
  • Dermatology – $435,000
  • Plastic Surgery – $420,000
  • Otolaryngology – $410,000
  • Radiology – $401,000
  • Pulmonology and Critical Care – $393,000

In comparison, General and Family Practitioners come in at the much lower median salary of $229,616.

In conclusion, salaries for physicians and surgeons can vary significantly based on factors such as location, specialty, training, expertise, and the types of services provided. While Medical Specialists earn significantly more than General and Family Practitioners, these doctors play equally important roles in promoting health and well-being within their communities.

In comparison, General and Family Practitioners have a much lower median salary of $229,616. It is worth noting that while Medical Specialists earn significantly more than General and Family Practitioners, both play equally important roles in promoting health and well-being within their communities.


In conclusion, physicians and surgeons are among the highest-paid professionals in the United States. The salary variation is due to several factors such as location, specialty, training, expertise, and the types of services provided. Medical Specialists and General and Family Practitioners play equally important roles in promoting health, and their earnings reflect the types of services they offer. While Medical Specialists earn significantly more than General and Family Practitioners, both are necessary for the proper functioning of the healthcare system.